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“Faith in God's revelation has nothing to do with an ideology which glorifies the status quo”

- Karl Barth -

Books and Book Chapters

  • Introduction to Theology: Declaring the Wonders of God (Baker Academic, 2023).

  • Tongues of Fire: A Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith (Cascade Pub., 2023).

  • The Spirit-Baptized Church: A Dogmatic Inquiry (T & T Clark, Bloomsbury, 2020)

  • Jesus the Spirit Baptizer: Christology in Light of Pentecost (Eerdmans, 2018).

  • The Book of Revelation (Two Horizons Commentary) (Eerdmans, 2016).

  • The Trinity Practically Speaking (InterVarsity Press, 2012).

  • Justified in the Spirit: Creation, Redemption, and the Triune God (Eerdmans, 2010)

  • Baptized in the Spirit: A Global Pentecostal Theology (Zondervan, 2006).

  • With Paul Chung, ed., Theology between East and West: A Radical Legacy: Essays in Honor of Jan Milic Lochman (Cascade Books, 2002)

  • Spirituality and Social Liberation: The Message of the Blumhardts in the Light of Wuerttemberg Pietism (Scarecrow Press, 1993).

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  • “Spiritual Presence: The Role of Pneumatology in Paul Tillich’s Theology,” in Spiritual Presence and Spiritual Power: Pentecostal Readings of and Engagements with the Legacy of Paul Tillich, Nimi Wariboko and Amos Yong, eds (Indiana University Press, 2014).

  • “A Theology of the Call to Preach,” in Lee Roy Martin, ed., Toward a Pentecostal Theology of Preaching (CPT Press, 2014).

  • “A Call for Careful Discernment: A Theological Response to Prosperity Preaching,” in Katherine Attanasi and Amos Yong, eds. Pentecostalism and Prosperity: The Socio-Economics of the Global Charismatic Movement (Palegrave Macmillan, 2013).

  • “Pentecostal Theology,” in Staale Johannes Kristiansen and Svein Rise, eds. Key Theological Thinkers: From Modern to Postmodern (Ashgate, 2013).

  • “The Church and the Latter Rain: The Church and Eschatology in Pentecostal Perspective,” in John Christopher Thomas, ed., Towards a Pentecostal Ecclesiology: The Church and the Fivefold Gospel (CPT Press, 2010).

  • “The Nature and Purpose of the Church: A Pentecostal Reflection on Unity and Koinonia,” in Wolfgang Vondey, ed. Pentecostalism and Christian Unity: Ecumenical Documents and Critical Assessments (Pickwick, 2010).

  • “Justification by Faith: Hearing the Voice of the One God through Historically Dissimilar Traditions,” in Randall Heskett and Brian Irwin, eds. Bible as Human Witness to Divine Revelation: Hearing the Word of God through Historically Dissimilar Traditions (T & T Clark, 2010).

  • “Jesus is Victor: The Eschatology of the Blumhardts with Implications for Pentecostal Eschatologies,” in Peter Althouse and Robby Waddell, eds. Perspectives in Pentecostal Eschatologies (Pickwick, 2010).

  • “Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology,” Oxford Handbook of Eschatology (Oxford University Press, 2008).

  • “Models of Pentecostal Theology,” in Steven Studebaker, ed. Defining Issues in Pentecostalism: Classical and Emergent (Macmaster Theological Studies Series) (Pickwick, 2008).

  • “Baptized in the Spirit: The Future of Pentecostal Theology,” in Eric Patterson and Edmund Rybarczyk, eds. The Future of Pentecostalism in the United States (Lexington Books, 2008).

  • “Karl Barth and Benjamin Warfield: Another Look at a Classic Evangelical Divide,” in Christian T. Collins Winn, eds. From the Margins: A Celebration of the Theological Work of Donald W. Dayton (Princeton Theological Monographs; Wipf and Stock, 2007).

  • “The Spirit of God and the Spirit of Life: An Evangelical Response to Karl Barth’s Pneumatology,” in Sung Wook Chung, ed. Karl Barth and Evangelical Theology: Convergences and Divergences (Baker Academic, 2006).

  • “The Kingdom and the Power: Spirit Baptism in Pentecostal and Ecumenical Perspective,” in Michael Welker, ed. The Work of the Spirit: Pneumatology and Pentecostalism (Eerdmans, 2006).

  • “Babel and the Tongues of Pentecost: Reversal or Fulfillment? A Theological Perspective,” in Mark Cartledge, ed. Speaking in Tongues: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Pater Noster, 2006).

  • “Astonished by Faithfulness to God: A Reflection on Karl Barth’s Understanding of Spirit Baptism,” in W. Ma and R. P. Menzies eds. The Spirit and Spirituality: Essays in Honor of Russell P. Spittler (T & T Clark, 2004).

  • "The Joint Declaration on Justification: A Pentecostal Response," in William G. Rusch, ed. Justification and the Future of the Ecumenical Movement: The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (Liturgical Press, 2003).

  • “The Religious and the Secular under the Shadow of the Cross: The Significance of Christoph Blumhardt for a Christian Response to World Religions,” in Arvind Sharma, ed. Religion in a Secular City: Essays in honor of Harvey Cox (Trinity Press Int., 2002).

  • “The Struggle for Global Witness: Shifting Paradigms of Pentecostal Theology,” in M.W. Dempster et al, eds. The Globalization of Pentecostalism: A Religion Made to Travel (Regnum Books Int., 1999).

  • “Spirituality and Social Liberation: The Message of the Blumhardts in the Light of Weurtemberg Pietism,” in E. Jongeneel, ed. Experiences in the Spirit (Peter Lang Verlag, 1990).

  • “The Holy Spirit and the Trinity,” Three-Part Lectureship, Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY.

  • “Towards a Theology of Divine Presence: A Response to Paul Yonggi Cho’s Teaching on the Holy Spirit,” Lecture, Hansei University, Korea, March 2013.

  • “God and the Culturally Other: Towards a Theology of Conversion,” Lecture, North Park Theological Seminary, Chicago, September 25th, 2009.

  • “The God behind The Shack: Recent Revolutions in the Theology of God,” Public Lecture, Calvin College, July, 2009.

  • “Towards a Theology of Love,” Seminar, Flame of Love Project, funded by the John Templeton Foundation, Calvin College, July, 2009.

  • “Recent Trends in Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology,” Public Lecture, McCormick Theological Seminary, Nov. 20, 2007.

  • “Pentecostal Theology,” Public Lecture, MacMaster University, Nov. 21, 2006.

  • “Koinonia: New Directions for Pneumatology,” Three-Part Lectureship, Southern Cross College, Sydney, Australia, September, 2006.

  • “The Charismatic Structure of the Church,” Lectureship given at Hansei University, Seoul, Korea; and also at Asia Life University, Korea, May, 2005.

  • "Life in the Spirit," Spring Lectureship, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, February, 2001;  also given as the Occasional Lectureship at the Asia Pacific Theological Semniary, Philippines, August, 2001.

  • “Charisms,” Missionskola (Baptist), Lectureship, Orebro, Sweden, November 1997 (two weeks).

  • “Current Issues in Pneumatology,” Lectureship, Alliance Theological Seminary, Sweden, November 1997.

  • A Theology of Glossolalia, Lecture, National Ministers Conference, Church of God, Cleveland, TN, February, 1994.

  • Pentecostal Spirituality, Lectureship, Church of God School of Theology, July 1993.

  • Towards a Theology of Glossolalia, Lectureship, Southern California College Graduate School, May, 1991.

Honors and Awards
  • Dr. Theol. insigni cum laude (with distinction), University of Basel.

  • Jacob Burckhardt Prize and Stipendium from the Johann von Goethe Foundation and the University of Basel for the dissertation.

  • Society for Pentecostal Studies award of gratitude for a decade of service as Editor of the Society’s journal, PNEUMA, 2012.

  • Lifetime Achievement Award, Society for Pentecostal Studies, 2015

  • Doctor of Divinity (Honorary), Pentecostal Theological Seminary, Cleveland, TN, 2015

Substantial Discussion of My Work
(Does not include book reviews)
  • Simeon Zahl, The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience (Oxford U. Press, 2020). He engages my pneumatology in three key places of his discussion.

  • Kenneth Ameke. Catholic-Pentecostal Relations Regarding the Human Experience of Salvation: A Critical Study of Frank D. Macchia and Walter Kasper (PhD Dissertation, University of Louven, Belgium, 2020).

  • Torgeir Værnesbranden, Baptism in the Spirit: A Theological Analysis of the Phenomenon of Spirit Baptism (ThM Thesis, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society, 2019). The author describes his work this way: “In this thesis I have given a critical analysis of prof. Dr. Frank D. Macchia’s seminal work Baptized in the Spirit: A Global Pentecostal Theology and presented my own explorations of the phenomenon often referred to as Baptism in the Spirit.”

  • I. Leon Harris, The Holy Spirit as Communion: Colin Gunton’s Pneumatology of Communion and Frank Macchia’s Pneumatology of Koinonia (Pickwick Books, 2017). As the title suggests, this book compares my pneumatology to that of British theologian Colin Gunton.

  • C. Elmer Chen, The Pentecostal Doctrine of Spirit Baptism: A Theodramatic Model (PhD dissertation, University of Birmingham, 2017), devotes a half of a chapter to my work (as one of two theologians discussed under the title of “Holistic Approaches.” The author mentions me elsewhere in the work as well.

  • Joshua D.A. Bloor, “New Directions in Western Soteriology,” Theology, 118.3 (2015), discusses my work on justification as an example of a Western theologian dialoging with Eastern trends (esp. as focused on theosis).

  • Douglas Erickson, The Kingdom of God and the Holy Spirit: Eschatology and Pneumatology in the Vineyard Movement (PhD Dissertation, Marquette University, 2015), discusses my work as pivotal to his own approach.

  • Michael Welker, God the Revealed: Christology (Eerdmans, 2014), devotes a section of a chapter on the relation between pneumatology and christology in my work.

  • Anthony C. Thiselton, The Holy Spirit in Biblical Teaching, through the Centuries, and Today (Eerdmans, 2013), devotes a section of a chapter on my pneumatology and discusses me in a number of other places throughout the book.

  • Christopher A. Stephenson, Types of Pentecostal Theology: Method, System, Spirit (American Academy of Religion) (Oxford University Press, 2012), devotes a chapter to the history and development of my thought.

  • Peter D. Neumann, Pentecostal Experience: An Ecumenical Encounter (Princeton Monograph Series) (Wipf & Stock, 2012), devotes a chapter to the history and development of my thought.

  • L. William Oliverio, Theological Hermeneutics in Pentecostal Tradition: A Typological Account (Brill Academic, 2012), devotes part of a chapter discussing my approach to hermeneutics.

  • Henry Lederle, Theology with Spirit: The Future of the Pentecostal-Charismatic Movements in the Twentieth Century (Word and Spirit Press, 2010), devotes a section of a chapter to my theology of Spirit baptism.

  • H. Gasper, “Schritte zu einer Pneumatologie der Pfingstbewegung,” Una Sancta (2009), devotes a substantial portion of the essay to my work.

  • Roundtable on my Baptized in the Spirit: A Global Pentecostal Theology (three ecumenical participants: Mark Cartledge, Henry Knight III, Paul Chung), Society for Pentecostal Studies, 2007.

  • Roundtable on my Baptized in the Spirit: A Global Pentecostal Theology (three ecumenical participants: Jürgen Moltmann, Clark Pinnock, Henry Knight III), Journal of Pentecostal Theology (2007).

  • Roundtable on my Baptized in the Spirit: A Global Pentecostal Theology (four ecumenical participants), Canadian Theological Society, subsequently published (with my response) in the online journal, Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity.

  • Peter Althouse, Spirit of the Last Days: Pentecostal Eschatology in Conversation with Jürgen Moltmann (Bloomsbury Academic, 2003), devotes a chapter on my work in the area of pneumatology and eschatology.

Articles and Papers


  • “The Christ of Pentecost,” Influence (2019).

  • “Baptized in the Holy Spirit and Fire: Christology and Pneumatology in Pentecostal Perspective,” Verkündigung und Forschung, (2018).

  • “Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Fire: Luke’s Implicitly Pneumatological Theory of Atonement,” Religions 62/3 (2018).

  • “The Protestant Reformation: 500 Years Later,” Influence (2017).

  • “The Strange New World within the Bible: A Response to Craig A. Koester’s Anchor Bible Commentary on Revelation,” Journal of Pentecostal Theology (2015)

  • “Towards a Theology of Divine Presence: A Response to Paul Yonggi Cho’s Teaching on the Holy Spirit,” Journal of Youngsan Theology 28 (2013).

  • “The Spirit Baptized Church,” The International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church 11:4 (Nov. 2011).

  • “The Oneness-Trinitarian Pentecostal Dialogue: Exploring the Diversity of Apostolic Faith,” Harvard Theological Review (Spring 2010).

  • “The Charismatic Structure of the Church,” Spirit and Word (Korean) Spring 2010.

  • “Towards Individual and Communal Renewal: Reflections on Luke’s Theology of Conversion,” Ex Auditu, 25, 2009.

  • “Das Reich und die Kraft: Geistestaufe in pfingstlerischer und Ó§kumenischer Perspektive,” Evangelische Theologie, 69. Jahrgang, 2009.

  • “Baptized in the Spirit: A Response to My Reviewers,” Journal of Pentecostal Theology 16, 2008.

  • “Clark Pinnock’s Pneumatology: A Pentecostal Appreciation,” Journal of Pentecostal Theology 14:2, 2006.

  • “The Nature and Purpose of the Church (World Council of Churches Paper): A Pentecostal Response,” Ecumenical Trends, July – Sept., 2005.

  • “The Covenant of the Lamb’s Bride: A Subversive Paradigm,” Living Pulpit, July – Sept., 2005.

  • “A Theological Reflection on Otherness,” Living Pulpit, March, 2005.

  • “Unity and Otherness: Lessons from Babel and Pentecost,” Living Pulpit, Oct. – Dec., 2004.

  • With Amos Yong, Ralph Del Colle and Dale T. Irvin, "Christ and Spirit: Dogma, Discernment and Dialogical Theology in a Religiously Plural World," Journal of Pentecostal Theology 12:1, 2003.

  • "Theological Themes" for Mark 10:2-17; Hebrews 4:12-16; Mark 10:35-45; Job 42:1-6, 10-17 in Lectionary Homiletics 14:6, Oct. Nov. 2003.

  • "Justification through New Creation: The Holy Spirit and the Doctrine by which the Church Stands or Falls," Theology Today, July 2001, 202-217.

  • "Christian Experience and Authority in the World," Ecumenical Trends, Sept. 2002.

  • "Spirit, Word, and Kingdom: Theological Reflections on the Reformed/Pentecostal Dialogue," Ecumenical Trends, March, 2001.

  • “Spirit and Word: A Response to Rickie Moore,” Journal of Pentecostal Theology, 17, Nov., 2000.

  • “A Confession,” International Review of Missions (World Council of Churches), 2000.

  • “Response to Kärkkäinen,” Ecumenical Trends, Nov., 2000.

  • “Rediscovering the Charismatic Structure of the Church,” Living Pulpit, Nov. – Dec., 2000.

  • “Justification and the Spirit: A Pentecostal Reflection on the Doctrine ‘by which the Church Stands or Falls’,” Presidential Address, Society for Pentecostal Studies, March 2000. Appeared in Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Spring, 1999.

  • “The Struggle for the Spirit in the Church: The Gifts of the Spirit and the Kingdom of God in Pentecostal Perspective,” Theology and Worship Occasional Papers, Presbyterian Church (USA), No. 11, 1999.

  • “The Wrath of the Lamb: A Case of Cognitive Dissonance,” The Living Pulpit, March, 1999.

  • “The Tongues of Pentecost: A Pentecostal Perspective on the Challenge and Promise of Pentecostal/Roman Catholic Dialogue,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Winter, 1998.

  • “Groans Too Deep for Words: Towards a Theology of Tongues as Initial Evidence,” Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies, Fall, 1998.

  • “Discerning the Truth of Tongues Speech: A Response to Amos Yong,” Journal of Pentecostal Theology, April, 1998.

  • “Is Footwashing the Neglected Sacrament? A Theological Response to John Christopher Thomas,” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Fall, 1997.

  • "Tongues and Prophecy: A Pentecostal Perspective," in Pentecostal Movements as Ecumenical Challenge, Concilium, eds. J. Moltmann and J-L. Kuschel, June 1996.

  • “Memphis Roundtable,” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Spring 1996.

  • "God Present in a Confusing Situation: The Mixed Influence of the Charismatic Movement on Pentecostalism," Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Spring 1996.

  • "From Azusa to Memphis: Evaluating the Racial Reconciliation Dialogue among Pentecostals," Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Fall 1995.

  • "Revitalizing Theological Categories: A Classical Pentecostal Response to J. Rodman Williams's Renewal Theology," Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Fall 1994.

  • "A Further Response to Jurgen Moltmann," Journal of Pentecostal Theology,  Fall 1994.

  • "The Spirit and Life: A North American Response to Jurgen Moltmann," Journal of Pentecostal Theology, Spring 1994.

  • “The Spirit and the Kingdom: Implications in the Message of the Blumhardts for a Pentecostal Social Spirituality," Transformation, Oct/Nov, 1993.

  • "Tongues as a Sign: Towards a Sacramental Understanding of Pentecostal Experience," Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Spring, 1993.

  • "Sighs too Deep for Words: Towards a Theology of Glossolalia," Journal of Pentecostal Theology, Fall, 1992.

  • Editorials, Reviews, Review Essays, and Encyclopedia Entries:

  • “Glossolalia: Modern Movements,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (De Gruyter, Germany).

  • (Forthcoming) “Pneumatology: Modern European and North American,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (De Gruyter, Germany).

  • “Pentecostal Spirituality,” Zondervan Dictionary of Christian Spirituality (Zondervan, 2011).

  • “Spiritual Gifts,” Zondervan Dictionary of Christian Spirituality (Zondervan, 2011).

  • “Spirituality of the Cross,” Zondervan Dictionary of Christian Spirituality (Zondervan, 2011).

  • “Christ as Redeemer,” Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization (Blackwell Press, 2011).

  • “Baptism in the Holy Spirit,” Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (Cambridge University Press, 2010).

  • “North American Pentecostalism,” Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (Cambridge University Press, 2010).

  • “European Pentecostalism,” Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (Cambridge University Press, 2010).

  • “Healing,” Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (Cambridge University Press, 2010).

  • “Systematic Theology,” Global Dictionary of Theology, Wiiliam A. Dyrness and Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, eds. (IVP, 2008).

  • “Christian Socialism,” Global Dictionary of Theology, Wiiliam A. Dyrness and Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, eds. (IVP, 2008).

  • “Faith,” Global Dictionary of Theology, Wiiliam A. Dyrness and Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, eds. (IVP, 2008).

  • “Pentecost as the Power of the Cross: The Witness of Seymour and Durham,” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, 2008.

  • “The Book of Revelation and the Hermeneutics of the Spirit: A Response to Robby Waddell,” (Review Essay) Journal of Pentecostal Theology 17, 2008.

  • “Finitum Capax Infinitum: A Pentecostal Distinctive?” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, 2007.

  •  “Jan Milic Lochman: A Tribute to My Doktorvater,” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Spring, 2007.



  • Entries on “Prophecy, Visions, and Dreams,” “Deliverance and Deliverance Ministry,” “Signs and Wonders,” and “Spiritual Warfare” for the Encyclopedia of Religious Revivals in America, 2 Vols., Michael McClymond, ed. (Greenwood Press, 2006).

  • Entries on “Baptism in the Holy Spirit,” “Binding and Loosing,” “Church, Theology of,” “Doctrine, Development of,” and “Glossolalia,” for the Encyclopedia of Pentecostal and Chrismatic Christianity, Stanley Burgess, ed. (Routledge, 2006).

  • “My Chance Meeting with Heinrich Ott,” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Fall, 2006.

  • “Intelligent Design: Bad Science?” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Spring, 2006.

  • “Resurrection: A Dance of Life,” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Fall, 2005.

  • “Pope John Paul II and the Culture of Life,” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Spring, 2005.

  • “Democrat or Republican? A Theological Reflection on Party Loyalty,” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Fall, 2004.

  • “Terrorists, Security, and the Risk of Peace: Toward a Moral Vision,” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Spring, 2004.

  • “The Time is Near! Or Is It? Dare We Abandon Our Eschatological Passion?” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Fall, 2003.

  • “I Belong to Christ: A Pentecostal Reflection on Paul’s Passion for Unity,” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Spring, 2003.

  • Entries on Pentecostal “Ordination,” “Baptism,” “Eucharist,” and “Preaching” for the New Dictinary of Worship and Liturgy, J. G. Davies, ed. (SCM Press, 2003).

  • "Theology, Pentecostal," New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, ed. S. Burgess (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2002).

  • "African Enacting Theology: A Rediscovery of an Ancient Heritage?"  Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Fall, 2002.

  • "Salvation and Spirit Baptism: Another Look at James Dunn's Classic," Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Spring, 2002.

  • "Praying for the Terrorists," Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Fall, 2001.

  • "Karl Barth Meets David Du Plessis: A New Pentecost or a Theater of the Absurd?" Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Spring, 2001.

  • "Dominus Jesus," Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Fall, 2000.

  • "Glossolalia," in The Encyclopedia of Christianity (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2000) (with Cheryl Bridges-Johns).

  • “The Pentecostal/World Alliance of Reformed Churches Dialogue,” Dictionary of Ecumenical Movements, ed., G. Wainwright, et. al. (World Council of Churches, 1998).

  • “Discerning the Truth of Tongues Speech: A Response to Amos Yong,” Journal of Pentecostal Theology, April, 1998.

  • “Discerning the Spirit of Life: A Review of Michael Welker's God the Spirit,” Journal of Pentecostal Theology, Spring, 1997. (Welker’s rejoinder followed)

  • “Tradition and the Novum of the Spirit: A Review of Clark Pinnock’s Flame of Love,” Journal of Pentecostal Theology, Issue 11, 1997. (Pinnock’s rejoinder followed)

  • “Is Footwashing a Neglected Sacrament?” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Fall, 1997.

  • "The Question of Tongues as Initial Evidence: A Review of Initial Evidence, edited by Gary B. McGee," Journal of Pentecostal Theology, Issue 2, 1993.

  • G. T. Sheppard and F. D. Macchia, "The Gospel According to Blackness: An Interview with Herbert Daughtry," Agora, Spring, 1980.

  • "Review: Christianity and World Order, by Edward Norman," Agora, Spring, 1981.

  • "Review: Patterns of Grace, by Tom Driver," Agora, Fall, 1979.



  • “The Strange New World within the Bible: A Response to Craig A. Koester’s Anchor Bible Commentary on Revelation,” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, San Diego, Nov. 2014.

  • “The Holy Spirit and Koinonia: A Pentecostal Engagement with The Church Towards a Common Vision,” Society for Pentecostal Studies (Catholic/Pentecostal Dialogue), Springfield, MO., March 2013.

  • “Spiritual Presence: The Role of Pneumatology in Paul Tillich’s Theology,” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Baltimore, November, 2013.

  • “Full Communion and the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe: A Pentecostal Response,” 40th anniversary of the Leuenberg Agreement and the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe, August, 2013.

  • “Filled with the Spirit: Exploring the Pentecostal Protestant Witness,” The Reformation: Ecumenical Responses, Ecumenical Institute, University of Strassburg, July, 2012.

  • “Worthy is the Lamb: The Christology of Revelation in the Light of the Worship and Dogma of the Church,” Society of Biblical Literature, November 2011, San Francisco.

  • “N.T. Wright and Justification by Faith,” Society for Pentecostal Studies, Memphis, TN, 2011.

  • “Justification, the Spirit, and Science,” delivered at the symposium, “Pneumatology between East and West: A Dialogue with Science,” University of Heidelberg (Funded by the John Templeton Foundation).

  • “Baptized in the Spirit: Pentecostal Theology in the Making,” delivered October 29, 2008, at Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany.

  • “Recent Trends in Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology,” McCormick Theological Seminary, Nov. 20, 2007.

  • “Baptized in the Spirit: Trends in Pentecostal Theology,” Movements of the Spirit: International Symposium sponsored and funded by the John Templeton Foundation, University of Southern California, September, 13 – 15, 2006.

  • “Signs of Grace in a Graceless World: The Charismatic Structure of the Church in Trinitarian Perspective,” Keynote, Symposium on Pentecostal Pneumatology, University of Heidelberg, Germany, June, 2006.

  • “Spirit Baptism and Koinonia: A Pentecostal Reflection,” Symposium in Honor Of Vinson Synan, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA, June, 2006.

  • "Spirit Baptism: A Pentecostal Contribution to an Ecumenical and Cross-Cultural Pneumatology," Symposium on Pneumatology, Yale University Club, New York City, funded by the John Templeton Foundation, November, 2004.

  • “A Sign of Grace in a Graceless World: A Pentecostal Response to the World Council of Churches Faith and Order Document: The Nature and Purpose of the Church, Society for Pentecostal Studies, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA., March, 2005.

  • “Saved in the Name of Jesus and in the Holy Spirit,” Trinitarian-Oneness Pentecostal Dialogue, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA., March, 2005.

  • "Paul's Passion for Unity," Plenary Message,  Faith and Order Commission of the  National Council of Churches, Eden Theological Seminary, (St. Louis), Oct. 2002.

  • "Experience and the Authority of the Church in the World: A Pentecostal Viewpoint," Faith and Order Commission of the National Council of Churches, Eden Theological Seminary (St. Louis), Oct. 2002.

  • "Continuity and Restoration in Ecumenical Dialogue: A Response to Geoffrey Wainwright," Society for Pentecostal Studies, Response to the Keynote Address, Southeastern College, Lakeland, Florida, March 2002.

  • "Spirit Christology: The New Horizon for Ecumenical Exchange on the Doctrine of Justification," American Academy of Religion (National Meeting), Atlanta, Georgia, November 2001.

  • "The Conflicting Pedagogic Models of Enlightenment Rationalism and Discipleship Training: A Response to Jon Ruthven," Society for Pentecostal Studies, Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma, March 2001.

  • Towards a Pneumatological Soteriology: A Response to Lyle Dabney," Society for Pentecostal Studies, Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma, March 2001.

  • "Justification and the Spirit," North American Academy of Ecumenists, St. Loius, MO, September 2000.

  • “Justification and the Spirit: A Pentecostal Reflection on the Doctrine ‘by which the Church Stands or Falls’,” Presidential Address, Society for Pentecostal Studies, March 2000.

  • “Revelation and Tradition: A Response to Yves Congar’s Position,” Catholic Theological Society of America, June 1999.

  • “The Struggle for the Spirit in the Church: The Gifts of the Spirit and the Kingdom of God,” Pentecostal/World Alliance of Reformed Churches Dialogue, Seoul, Korea, May 1999.

  • "The Origins of Pentecostalism: A Response to David William Faupel," Society for Pentecostal Studies, Patten College, Oakland, California, March 1999.

  • "The Relation of Water and Spirit Baptism," A Response to Kilian McDonnell," Society for Pentecostal Studies, Oakland, California, March 1999.

  • “Charismatic Spirituality and Social Concern,” Founder’s Day Celebration, Missionskola, rebro, Sweden, November, 1998.

  • “Recent Trends in Pneumatology: A Response,” American Academy of Religion, (National Meeting), Orlando, Florida, November 1998.

  • “Spirit Baptism in Pentecostal and Wesleyan Traditions: A Response,” Society for Pentecostal Studies/Wesleyan Theological Society (joint meeting), March 1998.

  • “The Church as an End-Time Missionary Fellowship of the Spirit,” Pentecostal/National Council of Churches Dialogue, March 1997.

  • "Xenolalia or Glossolalia in Acts 2? A Response to Jenny Powers," Society for Pentecostal Studies, Guadelajara, Mexico, March 1997.

  • “The Struggle for Global Witness: Shifting Paradigms in Pentecostal Theology,” Conference on the Globalization of Pentecostalism, San Jose, Costa Rica, June 1996.

  • "Signs of the Spirit at Pentecost: The Challenges and Possibilities of Pentecostal/Roman Catholic Dialogue," Pentecostal/Roman Catholic Dialogue, University of Toronto, March 1996.

  • "Waiting and Hurrying for Cosmic Healing: The Significance of the Blumhardts for a Pentecostal Theology of Healing," European Pentecostal/Charismatic Research Association, Mattersey, England, August 1995.

  • "Tongues as an Ecumenical Challenge: A Response to Sam Solivan," Society for Pentecostal Studies, Wheaton College, March 1995.

  • "Footwashing as the Sacrament that  Almost Made It: A Response to John Christopher Thomas," Society for Pentecostal Studies, Wheaton College, March 1995.

  • "Tongues as a Sign: Towards a Sacramental Understanding of Pentecostal Experience," Society for Pentecostal Studies, March 1992.

  • "Sighs too Deep for Words: Towards a Theology of Glossolalia, " Society for Pentecostal Studies, November 1990.

  • "Spirituality and Social Liberation: The Message of the Blumhardts in the Light of Wuerttemberg Pietism," Society for Pentecostal Studies/Wesleyan Theological Society, Asbury Theological Seminary, November 1987.  Also presented in 1989 at the Association for Pentecostal/Charismatic Research in Europe, Utrecht, Holland.

  • "Die Botschaft des Blumhardts," Die Gesellschaft fuer erneuerte biblische Theologie, 1986.

  • "The Challenge of Liberation Theology to Pentecostal Piety," Society for Pentecostal Studies, November 1980.


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